Urgent! We Must Tear Down Sha'arei Shamayim And Beg For Hashem's Mercy

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 06/09/16

Baltimore, MD - June 9, 2016:

Dear Friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I turn to you to tell you that the daughter of a dear friend, Raizel bas Dena, is a young mother and is gravely ill. She requires our Tefillos and Tehillim. We must tear down Sha'arei Shamayim and beg for Hashem's mercy. Please take upon yourselves to say the perakim of Tehillim that spell out her name from perek kuf yud tes (119) as well as other perakim that we say for a choleh and during a time of tzarah.

Many thanks to all of you. May Hashem bless everyone with good health and may we be able to turn this into besuros tovos, with the help of Hashem and the koach of our Tefillos.
