Tennis-Playing Part Of A Long Israeli Tradition

By Tevi Troy
Posted on 05/30/16 | News Source:

Avidgor Liberman, Israel’s new defense minister, has engendered some controversy because of his hardline views. Another criticism, however, has been that he lacks the impressive military experience shared by most of his predecessors in the post. Liberman did indeed serve in the IDF, but only reached the lowly rank of corporal.

His undistinguished military service has prompted the quip circulating in the papers these days that the closest Liberman has come to a projectile whizzing by his head has been on the tennis court.

This is not the first time that Liberman’s well-known love for tennis has been an issue in his political career. In 2015, The Jerusalem Post ran a piece about a Facebook video showing Liberman, a sitting member of the Knesset, playing tennis in the midst of a work day. The piece, entitled “Life is boring in the opposition,” linked Liberman’s midday court visit to wider public frustration over parliamentary inactivity. The article also noted that Liberman was a regular player who appeared at the Israel Tennis Center at least once a week.

Liberman is only the most recent Israeli politician to have an affinity for the sport of kings. In fact, tennis has been important in Israel since the state’s creation, and even beforehand. In 1946, in the midst of the Jewish quest for independence, Jewish groups were engaged in a regular and deadly battle of wits against the British security forces. One of the most skillful British operatives was Sergeant Thomas Martin, who had a particular gift for seeing through the disguises of Lehi, or Stern Gang, fighters.

In fact, Martin had been able to recognize and arrest Lehi leader and future prime minister Yitzhak Shamir via his bushy eyebrows, despite the fact that Shamir was wearing rabbinical garb at the time. Two months after this incident, in August of 1946, two Lehi assassins dressed as tennis players shot and killed Martin as he played tennis on a court in Haifa.

Once the state was established, it is unsurprising that the state’s earliest European-suit-wearing leaders were not big tennis players. That said, state founder and first prime minister David Ben-Gurion was supportive of efforts to expand Israel’s meager tennis facilities. The tennis-playing philanthropist Hart Hasten records in his autobiography that the American businessman Joe Shane once came to Ben-Gurion and asked for land on which he and other tennis- loving Americans could build tennis courts for Israeli youth. Ben Gurion liked the idea, saying, “That sounds like a good idea, Mr. Shane, but in order to acquire the land, you must confer with the minister of culture, who handles everything related to sports.”

Shane went to the minister – unfortunately not identified by name in Hasten’s account – and repeated his request. The minister acceded to the request, telling Shane, “Yes, that all seems good and fine, Mr. Shane. I’ll be happy to work with you, and you may count on my full cooperation.”

Just before Shane left, though, the minister called him back, saying, “Oh, there’s just one more thing, Mr. Shane.

Could you tell me please, vos is Tennis?” (Yiddish for “what is tennis?”) Read more at JPOST