Listen to Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Parshas Behar - Preparing for Kabbalas HaTorah II - Free Choice (Audio)

By Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Posted on 05/25/16

The brachos (blessings) associated with shemittah are expressed in similar language to the words that we say in the bracha (blessing) of Bareich Aleinu in Shemoneh Esrei. There is a great emphasis on the blessing of the land and the fruits as a harbinger of geulah (redemption), as the lush produce reflects the presence of Hashem on this earth. Now, in golus (exile), we ask Hashem to place His bracha on the face of the earth, but not actually within the earth itself. We yearn to go back to a time when Hashem's bracha will be within the earth and within us, when we can eat the lush fruits of Eretz Yisroel and be satisfied from even small amounts.

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