Thieves Stealing Marylanders' Tax Returns

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 02/14/16 | News Source: WBAL TV

BALTIMORE —Thieves have figured out how to steal your tax return.

All it takes is capturing some of your personal information online, then filing for a refund under your name, and it even happened to someone you might not expect.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said an identity thief used his personal information to collect his federal tax refund.

"If they can steal the identity of the state attorney general, they can steal the identity of everybody and they probably already have," Frosh said. "I felt violated. It didn't cost us any money, thankfully. It may have cost the federal government or the state of Maryland some money if they issued a refund to that person."

Frosh discovered the fraud when the Internal Revenue Service asked him to verify that he submitted a return. He hadn't. He was in the process of seeking an extension.

Although the IRS remains a target, the new trend in stealing tax refunds is going after state returns. During the last tax season, the Maryland Comptroller's Office intercepted 20,000 fraudulent returns totaling some $40 million -- a number that has grown exponentially over the last seven years.

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot said it's a constant battle to stay ahead of the thieves. Even one of his top staffers recently became a victim.

"We will see 10,000 of them coming in over the next several weeks," Franchot said. "The problem is you can go on Craigslist and buy a W-2 with returns down to the penny."

Thieves can purchase your personal information, including Social Security numbers, from hackers. The imposters often file electronically, but Franchot's office is intercepting paper returns, too.

"This is very sophisticated stuff. This is not someone operating out of their basement. This is a high-level crime," Franchot said.

The Comptroller's Office created a questionable returns detection team to root out fraudulent refunds. A dozen people are using sophisticated software to constantly monitor.

"We just signed a big memorandum of understanding with the IRS and with all the states in the country where we have pledged to inform each other immediately when we detect a fraudulent criminal series of requests," Franchot said.

The comptroller is seeking help from the General Assembly. He wants lawmakers to increase the statute of limitations to prosecute from three to six years. This will give investigators time to unravel these complicated schemes.

He wants to grant subpoena power and charging document authority to his tax enforcement officers and change the date employers must send out W-2s from the end of February to the end of January, giving thieves less time to file for your return.

"Nobody is invulnerable. So what we try to do is stay just a half step ahead and cross our fingers," Franchot said.

The attorney general said the problem is growing because it's so lucrative, even on a small scale.

"The thing about this is, if you have breached the identity for just a few thousand people, you have a lot to work with. If only five or 10 of them hit, you can make $50 or $100,000," Frosh said.

Frosh and his wife had to file an affidavit saying they're victims of identity theft. They've received periodic letters from the IRS saying they're looking into it.

If you suspect your identity has been compromised, Franchot says you can request a special PIN from the IRS and his office.