Parshas Terumah - Toiling in Torah

By R' Shaya Gross, z'l
Posted on 02/12/16

[Ed. Note] Out of the respect and recognition of the impact made by longtime BJL friend and contributor, Reb Shaya Gross, z’l, we will maintain a living memoriam to Shaya through the sweet words and thoughtful insights of  his Divrei Torah. BJL readers will remember his weekly column on the Parsha and on various Torah ideas and concepts. These meaningful words will help us remember this special young man who will be sorely missed and for those who did not merit to know him, this will be the most appropriate way for them to become familiar with who he was.

This week's Parsha, discusses the various vessels used in the special service in the Mishkan [tabernacle]. One of them is the Menorah.

The Gemara in Menachos tells us that Moshe had difficulty in comprehending how to make the Menorah. After Moshe struggled trying to make it and was unsuccessful, Hashem, told him to throw gold into a fire. A miracle occurred and the Menorah was created.

If Hashem knew that Moshe would be unsuccessful in creating the Menorah what then was the purpose of all the effort Hashem had Moshe go through in trying to make it?

A fundamental principle concerning studying Torah is that it is not the final product that counts rather it is the effort and exertion that one puts into the learning that is important. 

The great Chofetz Chayim, Rav Yisroel Meir Kagan, sees this principle in the language of the Hadran-the prayer said at the completion of a special section of Torah. We say 'we [Jews] toil and receive reward whereas they [gentiles] toil and don't receive reward'.  The question is even Gentiles receive reward in this world for what they do. When they sell an item they are paid for it, so what do we mean that they don't receive reward??? 

Answers the Chofetz Chayim, the language of the Hadran is that we TOIL and receive reward whereas they TOIL and don't receive reward. Meaning, yes in the world of business the gentiles get rewarded for what they do, but only for the finished product. It doesn't matter how much effort the tailor puts into making the suit, if he messes up on it and doesn't produce it your not going to pay him for it. Whereas in our world of Torah study it is the effort that counts. Even if you haven't yet completely understood the Parsha Ha'shavua that you are working on, or are struggling with grasping a Gemara or a commentary, that is okay. You will get rewarded for it. What's important in Hashem's eyes is how much EFFORT and TOIL we put into our learning.

The Sages tell us that the different vessels in the tabernacle & Holy Temple correspond to the various very important elements of our life. The Menorah corresponds to the wisdom of Torah. 

Perhaps now we can answer our question that we started off with. Hashem specifically had Moshe Rabeinu-the one who exemplified  Torah study, the one who received and then gave to us the entire Torah, and the one who's neshama is in the Torah Giants of every generation- struggle with the creation of the Menorah to teach us this extremely fundamental principle about Torah study; that it is the effort and not the finished product that counts in Hashem's eyes.