Cleaning Ad Found Pricing Workers By Race Spurs Outrage

By Jerusalem Post
Posted on 02/07/16 | News Source: VIN

Tel Aviv - An online firestorm has erupted in light of a flyer found recently in upscale northern Tel Aviv advertising a cleaning service that offers prices based on the ethnicity of its workers. 

Israeli journalist Tal Schneider posted a picture of the pamphlet to Facebook on Friday, garnering a slew of comments of disbelief and rage at the apparent prevalence of racism existing in Israel. 

“Blatant racism permeating into Israeli society. Pricing employees according to race,” Schneider wrote in a caption to her post. “Admit that you haven’t thought of that one yet. Israel 2016.”

The pamphlet poses questions to potential employers of the household workers such as: ‘Are you tired of employing illegal foreign workers and getting fined?’; ‘Are you unwilling to hire Arab workers due to security reasons?’; and ‘Tired of being embroiled in lawsuits and getting sued by employees?’

The leaflet then proposes in bold font that “there is a solution” to the aforementioned issues. 

In large print in the center of the glossy advertisement, the unnamed cleaning service lists its race-based hourly pricing scheme for cleaners hired for a minimum of five hours. 

For a “foreign (female) worker of African decent,” the flyer lists a payment of NIS 49 plus value added tax (VAT). The cleaning service’s going rate for a “foreign (female) worker of eastern European decent” is NIS 52 plus VAT. And at the price of NIS 69 plus VAT, a “(female) worker with an Israeli ID and of western European decent” could be hired. 

The flyer features a color photo reminiscent of Rosie the Riveter with a woman donning a headband cleaning a window. 

At the bottom of the handout appears a phone number next to the contact name ‘Irina.’ 

On Sunday, when The Jerusalem Postattempted to make contact, there was no answer on the line.