Baltimore Community Celebrates Siyum HaRambam and 19 Kislev (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Isaac Draiman
Posted on 11/29/15

Baltimore, MD – Nov. 29, 2015 - Chabad Lubavitch of Baltimore organized a special Maleveh Malkah last night, Motzaei Shabbos, to celebrate the 34th Siyum HaRambam, the yahrzeit of the Maggid of Mezrtich and the Chabad holiday of 19 of Kislev. The crowd, numbering around 300, gathered in Cheder Chabad for the event, to hear words of Torah and inspiration from both local and guest Rabbonim.

HaRav Hershel Rosenfeld, Rosh Kollel of Khal Chassidim completed the Rambam, and shared an insight on the Rambam, as well as a personal experience with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Ztz”l.

The Rav of Shearith Israel, HaRav Yaakov Hopfer, continued, beginning the 35th cycle of Rambam. He expounded on the first Halacha, explaining with clarity and depth, illuminating the words of the Rambam.

Fusing together the two themes of the evening, the Siyum HaRambam and 19 Kislev, HaRav Moshe Slavaticki, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore, spoke of the beauty of Chassidic teachings and how they complement the study of Rambam.

The guest speaker for the evening was HaRav Zushe Winner, Rosh Yeshiva of Chovevi Torah, Brooklyn, NY, who inspired the crowd about the learning of Chassidus.

The overflow crowd was entertained by the Cheder Chabad Boys Choir, while outside the main hall hundreds of specially discounted Seforim were sold.