New Tool Available to Help Children Cope with Recent Tragic Events

By BJLife/Isaac Draiman
Posted on 11/25/15

Since the beginning of the recent spate of terror in Israel, our children are once again being exposed to tragic loss in the global Jewish community. Hearing about the senseless deaths of innocent men and women is disturbing and frightening for them. It is incumbent upon parents and educators to give our children the means to deal with loss in a healthy way.

According to Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Interventions and Community Education for the Trauma, Crisis and Bereavement Department of Chai Lifeline, “Part of our chinuch responsibility to our young ones, whether our own children or our students, is introducing them to the mitzvos, the laws and the customs associated with death and mourning. This education process includes our being able to infuse meaning within these practices – at a level appropriate to the child's development – so as to introduce them to the very real and spiritual concepts of eternity, of soul, of the majesty of mitzvos and of serving Hashem in all aspects and stages of life.”

Certainly it is crucial that we convey to our children the idea that no matter what, the neshamah is eternal, and even once someone has passed on to Olam Haba, we can impact the neshamah with our actions

The newly released children’s picture book, I Lost Someone Special (written by Baltimore’s Bracha Goetz and published by Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah,, which is run by Ner Israel alumnus Rabbi Moshe Haikins) was created especially to teach young children about the power of performing mitzvos l’iluy neshamah and is one very effective way of implementing Rabbi Dr. Fox’s advice. This unique volume, written with wisdom and sensitivity, can act as a springboard for parents to address children’s feelings of sadness and bewilderment and to then direct them to positive ways in which to channel those feelings. The subtle text is complemented by the stunning, detailed, full-color drawings of Chani Judowitz, popular illustrator of many beloved children’s books.  The book gives concrete ideas for implementing mitzvah and learning programs l’iluy neshamah and includes a place to record the children’s personal projects.  

I Lost Someone Special was written with the haskamah and input of Rav Noach Orlowek, Mashgiach of Yeshivas Torah Ore, who is well known for his expertise in chinuch matters and with the guidance of Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox and other therapists from Chai Lifeline’s Trauma, Crisis and Bereavement Department.

In these trying times, this unique publication can be used to take potentially bewildering and even frightening circumstances and turn them into meaningful experiences.  I Lost Someone Special is available through or at 732-364-7029, and should soon be available in your local Jewish bookstore.