UPDATE: Governer Hogan Signs the Banner! Add Your Signatures, Too! Baltimore’s Mazel Tov Wishes for the Million Person Wedding in Israel (Photos)

By BJLife/Esther Zalcman
Posted on 11/24/15

UPDATED: Nov. 24, 2015 -  This evening, while attending a function in our community, MD Governer Larry Hogan, (below), took time out to sign the Mazel Tov banner to be delivered to the chassan/kallah on Thursday evening in Yerushalayim.


Baltimore, MD - Nov. 23, 2015 -  In response to the tragic loss of her father Rabbi Yaakov Litman ZT’L, H’YD and brother, Natanel ZT’L, H’YD, in a terrorist attack in Israel over a week ago, kallah Sara Litman, and her choson Ariel Beigel, invited all of Klal Yisroel to attend their wedding.  To be misameach the choson and kallah and to show we are with them in spirit, Frank and Danielle Sarah Storch wanted to send them a Mazel Tov banner signed by the Baltimore community. Due to the overwhelming positive response from the entire community, the initial plan to send one banner has now grown to three 4’x15’ banners.

The banners have signatures, best wishes, and brachos from thousands of students, participants, and staff at Talmudical Academy, Bnos Yisroel, Bais Yaakov Middle and High School, Bais Yaakov Convention, Cheder Chabad, Jewels, Beth Tfiloh, Ohr Chadash, and Maalot Baltimore. It was also signed by the Star-K staff. Baltimore community members had the opportunity to sign the banner at Seven Mile Market and Goldberg’s Bagels.

Add your signatures and personal messages to the banners tomorrow, Tuesday, November 24, between 9:00am- 9:00pm at the shul in the back of the Storches’ home at 3209 Fallstaff Road. The banners are to be presented at Sara and Ariel’s wedding this Thursday evening in Yerushalayim. 

Mazel Tov Sara and Ariel and may you be zoche to build a bayis neeman b’yisroel. Let’s try to follow Sara and Ariel’s example of bringing Klal Yisroel together b’achdus in these tumultuous times. May Hashem hear our tefillos and bring shalom to Israel and the world.