Maimonides Community In Jerusalem Gets Together To Mourn (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 11/23/15

Jerusalem, Israel - Nov. 22, 2015 - Israeli friends and alumni of the Maimonides School gathered in the gym of Midrashet Amaliah in Jerusalem, Israel on Sunday night. Over hundred fifty people came out to mourn and remember Ezra Schwartz z"l, H'yd, who was brutally murdered in a terrorist attack this past Thursday in Gush Etzion.

Tehilim was recited before the live broadcast of the.levaya, which was scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm Israel time. Recitation of Tehillim were led by former Maimonides principals Rabbi David Shapiro and Rabbi Yair Altshuler, who now is at Midrashet Amaliah and others with close Maimonides connections.

Besides former Maimonides staff, students, and supporters, girls from various seminaries in Israel for their gap year were in the audience. The room was quiet for the levaya broadcast from Sharon, MA. 

Many other schools had screenings of the levaya, with its live feed option, but this one was special. A community came together to honor a former student, athlete and friend, and a loss too great for most to try and express.

May Hashem comfort the family with all those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem.