The Million Person Wedding in Israel (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Margie Pensak
Posted on 11/20/15

Baltimore, MD- Nov. 19, 2015 - Just last erev Shabbos, November 13,  Rabbi Yaakov Litman, ZT'L, H'yd, and his family, of Kiryat Arba, were traveling to celebrate the Shabbos festivities prior to his daughter, Sara’s, chasana to Ariel Beigel of Meitar, a son of Rabbi Moshe Beigal, shlit”a. They never made it there. On the way, Rabbi Litman and his 18-year-old son, Natanel, ZT'L, H'yd, were murdered by a deadly Islamic terrorist attack at Otniel Junction, in the South Hebron hills of Judea; five other family members were treated for various injuries. The wedding, which was scheduled to take place on Tuesday evening, 5 Kislev, was postponed because of the shiva period of mourning.

When Baltimore askan Frank Storch heard about the tragedy, he couldn’t help but be reminded of the 2003 suicide bombing that left Dr. David Applebaum, ZT'L, H'yd, and his daughter Nava, ZT'L, H'yd, dead the night before her wedding, and how her chasan’s father had her wedding dress made into the paroches that adorns Rochel Imanu’s kever. Additionally, when he heard that the kallah announced that she was inviting Klal Yisroel to her wedding, next Thursday night, November 26, in the Binyanei Hauma hall in Yerushalayim, Mr. Storch knew what he wanted to do--let her know that all of klal Yisrael wants to share in her simcha.

Mr. Storch created a custom-made 4’ by 15’ banner--designed by Jeremy Staiman; printed late last night by Mendel Rosenblatt, —and brought it to Bnos Yisrael (see below) for the girls to sign as they walked into school this morning, Thursday.

Photo Credit: Frank Storch



Bais Yaakov Middle School will also be given the opportunity to sign it today, (Nov. 19, 2015) at 12 noon. Students from other local schools, students from out of town attending this year's Bais Yaakov Convention, as well as Seven Mile Market Thursday night shoppers, will also have an opportunity to sign it.

“By presenting this huge signed banner to the kallah at her wedding, we will be showing her that all of klal Yisrael cares for her and her family,” noted Mr. Storch. He encourages everyone in Israel to accept Sara’s invitation and be mesameach the chosson/kallah after 10:30 which time the public is invited to attend.

This article will be updated with pictures and information as more details are finalized.

Below photos of signing the banner at 7-Mile Market on Thursday evening, Nov. 19, 2015:

















































Anyone wishing to be part of the mitzvah is welcome to call Frank Storch at 410-340-1000