Reflections on Ten Years After Aliya

By BJLife/Yigal Segal
Posted on 10/03/15

Our family made Aliyah on August 16, 2005. In June of this year, I started thinking of an essay I wanted to write that would review our time here and end on a note of questioning Jews living in the Diaspora as to why they have not yet made the decision to move here. I was planning on writing it in conjunction with our 10th Aliyah anniversary.

Then my mother died August 8th.

Shiva, Shloshim, grieving- it all took me into the Yamim Noraim.  As Sukkos approached (which has always been my favorite Israel holiday), I thought of it once again and was determined to write this piece which would definitely make the Diaspora Jew look in the mirror and ask themselves, “Why not me? Why not my family?”

And then the Henkins were killed.

I knew Rabbi Henkin slightly from working in an adjacent office in Jerusalem. The more I learn about him and his wife, the deeper the pain gets. I realize once again that writing a piece like I planned just won’t convince anyone of anything. The Arabs continue to do the Diaspora Jew the biggest favor by giving them an excuse not to even consider living in this danger zone. Besides Yehuda and Shomron- tonight, Leil Hoshana Rabba, another attack in the Old City where two people were killed.  Almost a year ago in my old shul in Har Nof, four victims of terror- no one is safe anywhere here. We are all potential victims of terror and in the US, Europe, Canada, etc. , the Jews are safe and prosperous. Why should anyone in the Diaspora leave such perfect safety and serenity to live in a place where a bullseye is painted on your back and your chest?

So my friends, I am skipping writing this piece. Don’t worry, you won’t feel guilty for living in Chutz LaAretz because of me. All I can say is when you come to visit next time,  please visit the graves of the Henkins on Har Hamenuchot and try to explain to their Holy neshamos what your plans are for the future in terms of living in Eretz Yisroel. My family and I, thanks to the wisest decision Rivki and I ever made ten years ago, do not have to explain anything to anyone.

Chag Sameach ,


Yigal Segal