Baltimore Sukkos Take a Weather Beating (Photo Essay)

By BJL Staff
Posted on 09/30/15

Baltimore, MD – Sept. 30, 2015 – The weather forecast for Baltimore's Sukkos 5776 called for rain throughout Yom Tov. OK. Rain. We can handle that.

AS usual, HKBH was good to us and allowed us to eat all Yom Tov meals in the Sukkah.

Havdalah? Well, by that time the rain began to come down rather hard.

What was to come in the next few hours no one would have guessed.

What many believe was a tornado touched down in our community and rendered many, many Sukkos useless.

In addition, Fallstaff and Cross Country, Shelburne, Seven Mile Lane, and many other streets in and around the community, were the scenes of many a humongous tree or tree branches blocking streets, falling on homes and otherwise causing general havoc.

So, the activity for most for the first day Chol HaMoaid was a do over for their Sukkos.

The weather forecast for the rest of Yom Tov?

The possibility of Hurricane Joaquin with maximum sustained winds of 75 mph.

[Ed. Note: Send photos of your weather-beaten Sukkah to]