Sukkos 5776 - Starting Fresh

By BJLife/Rabbi Akiva Weinberg
Posted on 09/25/15

ק�� �שר��

�ע���� נש�ת ר' �עק� ש��� �� �פר�� ����נ�ער� �"�


×�×�×�ר ×�"×� ×�'   -×�ק×�ת×� ×�×�×� ×�×�×�×� ×�ר×�ש×�×� פר×� ×¢×¥ ×�×�ר ×�×�×�' ×�ש×�×�ת×� ×�פנ×� ×�' ×�×�×�'

You should take for yourself on the first day, the ×�' ×�×�× ×�×� etc. and rejoice before ×�' etc. 

The ×�×�רש תנ×�×�×�×� ×�×�ר ×�"×�  seeks to understand, why the ת×�ר×� uses the ×�ש×�×� of ×�×�×� ר×�ש×�×�, when explaining the ×�צ×�×� to use the ×�' ×�×�× ×�×� on ס×�×�×�ת, instead of ×�×�×�×� ×�×�ש×� עשר, for ס×�×�×�ת takes place on the fifteenth day of the ×�×�ש, not on the first.

(�ע��� פ�' עץ ��סף ש�ק' �קש�� �� ת���. �� פש��� ���� ר�ש�� ���נ� ר�ש�� �ש�ע� ���� ש��ר ���ר� ת���� �ת �� �' ש�עת ����.)

The ×�×�רש explains, that since ×�' was ×�×�×�×� us on ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר, for all our ×¢×�×�ר×�ת, therefore, after ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר there starts a new ×�ש×�×�×� (accounting) of our ×¢×�×�ר×�ת, for the ones from the previous year are gone. What the ×�×�רש doesn’t explain, is that if this is indeed the case, then the day after ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר should be the start of the new accounting of our ×¢×�×�ר×�ת. Why does the ת×�ר×� say, that it doesn’t start until the first day of ס×�×�×�ת? What happens during the four days between ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר and ס×�×�×�ת?

The ×�×�רש ר×�×� explains it similarly, but with an added explanation. It says, that between ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר and ס×�×�×�ת everyone is busy being ×¢×�סק in ×�צ×�ת, preparing for ×�×�×� ×�×�×� and getting their ס×�×�×� and ×�' ×�×�× ×�×� ready, so therefore, the new ×�ש×�×�×� doesn’t start till ס×�×�×�ת. While that is definitely true, and we get ש×�ר for all the effort and time we invest in these ×�×�× ×�ת (preparations), it still doesn’t explain why ס×�×�×�ת should be the first day for the ×�ש×�×�×� of ×¢×�×�× ×�ת. With all our tremendous effort we spend in getting ready for ס×�×�×�ת, there still somehow seems to be enough time to be able to do ×¢×�×�ר×�ת. Do all those ×¢×�×�ר×�ת between ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר and ס×�×�×�ת truly not count?

There is a well known פ×�ר×�ש ×�×�ר"×�, that explains the difference between ×�×�×� (judgment) and ×�ש×�×�×� (accounting). Everything a person does, whether good or bad, will be judged upon and he will receive either ש×�ר or an ×¢×�נש for doing it. However, a person was created for a purpose. He has a mission in life to accomplish. Every moment of life is meant to be utilized properly through ×¢×�×�×�ת ×�×�×�ר×�. Even when dealing with the physicalities of life (eating, sleeping etc.), that too is ×¢×�×�×�ת ×�', when done properly and with the right intentions. However, when a person does an ×¢×�×�ר×�, not only is he doing the actual ×¢×�×�ר×�, but the time and effort that he expended while doing the ×¢×�×�ר×�, could’ve been used to continue being ×¢×�×�×� ×�×�×�ר×�. Instead, he wasted that moment of time, and also the effort that he expended, was wasted on ×�×�ר×� ×�×�×� ×�ש×�×� (nothingness). So, not only will there be a ×�×�×� on the actual ×¢×�×�ר×� that he did, but there will also be a ×�ש×�×�×�, that will reckon the time and effort that was wasted by doing the ×¢×�×�ר×�, instead of accomplishing a ×�צ×�×�, which was the real reason the person was given that slice of their life. As the נצ×�"×� once said, after a person is נפ×�ר, not only will he have to answer for all the wrong things that he did, but he will also have to answer, as to why he didn’t accomplish all that he was able and meant to. He might have lived a good life, but if he was given the talents and capabilities to accomplish amazing things, living a good life just isn’t good enough. He wasted his talents, and squandered his mission in life.

When someone makes a �ת�נ�, for some time beforehand, they are very involved in preparing for it. There seem to be an unending amount of things to take care of, with never enough time in the day, to accomplish all of them. (The children need new outfits, then comes the tailoring, have to work on the invitations, get the seating arrangements worked out, who will get all the �������, pick up relatives from the airport, hire the band and discuss which songs to play, or not to play, type of flower arrangement etc. etc.) Even when you are not actually working on it, your mind is feverishly going through the details. Even when you are doing other things, it never totally leaves the back of your mind. In some level of consciousness, you are still thinking about it.

During the days between ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר and ס×�×�×�ת, ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� (as a whole) are extremely busy with all their ×�×�× ×�ת for ×�×�×� ×�×�×�. They have to take care of the ס×�×�×�, ס×�×�, and decorations, get ×�' ×�×�× ×�×� for everyone, food preparations, guest arrangements, etc. etc. They are excited about the ×�×�×� ×�×�×�, and are thinking about its myriad details, even while accomplishing other things. It never totally leaves the surface of their consciousness, so that during those four days, they are constantly being ×¢×�סק, on some level, in the ×�×�× ×�ת for ×�×�×� ×�×�×�. It is like being on low simmer. As such, although a person might be ×¢×�×�ר an ×¢×�×�ר×� during those four days, there can’t be a ×�×¢× ×� on him, as to why wasn’t he being ×¢×�סק in ×¢×�×�×�ת ×�×�×�ר×� during the time that he was doing the ×¢×�×�ר×�, for he actually was. Even while doing the ×¢×�×�ר×�, he was still being ×¢×�סק in the ×�×�× ×�ת for ×�×�"×� on some level, just like he was also being ×¢×�סק in the ×�×�× ×�ת, while being busy with other things, during those days. So, for the actual ×¢×�×�ר×� that he did, there will be a ×�×�×�. But, the ×¢× ×�×� of ×�ש×�×�×�, which is that he could’ve used the time that he wasted while doing an ×¢×�×�ר×�, to instead be ×¢×�×�×� ×�', does not apply. For, he actually was using that time to be ×¢×�×�×� ×�', as he was being ×¢×�סק in the ×�×�× ×�ת for ×�×�"×�, even while being ×¢×�×�ר the ×¢×�×�ר×�. Therefore, the ×�×�רש uses the ×�ש×�×�, that ס×�×�×�ת is ר×�ש×�×� ×�×�ש×�×�×� ×¢×�× ×�ת. It is the first day, a new beginning, when it comes to the ×¢× ×�×� of a ×�ש×�×�×�, as until ס×�×�×�ת it is not × ×�×�×¢ (applicable). Once ס×�×�×�ת starts though, and he is no longer busy with all the ×�×�× ×�ת, then the ×¢× ×�×� of ×�ש×�×�×� also applies. However, ×�× ×�×�×¢ to the ×�×�×� that a person receives, for the actual ×¢×�×�ר×� that he committed, right after ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר would already begin the new ×�×�×�.


Disappearing Bulls vs. Lost Sheep 

Every day of ס×�×�×�ת we bring a different amount of פר×�×� as קר×�× ×�ת in the ×�ק×�ש, with the sum total equaling seventy. רש"×� (פנ×�ס ×�"×� ×�"×�) explains that these seventy פר×�×� (bulls) correspond to the seventy nations (goyim) that there are in the world. Each day we bring a smaller amount than the previous day (i.e. on the first day of ס×�×�×�ת we bring thirteen פר×�×�, on the second day – twelve, third day is eleven, etc.). This symbolizes, that the nations of the world are heading downwards, with the end result being their total annihilation. It would seem that these קר×�× ×�ת פר×�×� are a dreadful symbol for them, and they should want them to not be brought. However, the ×�×�ר×� (ס×�×�×� × ×�:) says that “woe” to the ×�×�×�×� who destroyed the ×�×�ת ×�×�ק×�ש, and didn’t realize that they were actually harming themselves. רש"×� (פנ×�ס ×�"×� ×�"×�) explains that these קר×�× ×�ת would protect them from ×�×�ס×�ר×�×� (punishments). These two ideas seem somewhat contradictory. Were the קר×�× ×�ת פר×�×� good for the ×�×�×�×�, or bad for them?

When ש×�×�×� ×�×�×�×� built the ×�×�ת ×�×�ק×�ש, one of the תפ×�×�×�ת that he was ×�תפ×�×� was, that when a ×�×�×� would come to the ×�×�ת ×�×�ק×�ש to bring a קר×�×� and be ×�תפ×�×� to ×�', he should receive whatever he is asking for. Why did ש×�×�×� ×�×�×�×� only request this for ×�×�×�×�? It would seem to be a good thing for ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� too. The difference is, that when a ×�×�×� is ×�תפ×�×� to ×�', he knows that ×�' loves him, and so, if he doesn’t receive what he requested, he understands that it must be that for whatever reason, it would not be good for him to receive it. However, if a ×�×�×� doesn’t receive what he wanted, it would lead to a terrible ×�×�×�×� ×�', as he would think that the reason he didn’t get what he wanted, is because ×�' is (×�×�×�×�×�×�) not able to fulfill his request. Therefore, ש×�×�×� ×�×�×�×� only made this ×�קש×� for the ×�×�×�×�. The ×�×�×�×� are unable to comprehend, that a loving G-d would ever bring pain and distress into their lives. It would never dawn on them, that perhaps their way of life needs improvement and they are deserving of some punishment. In their small petty minds, a relationship with G-d can only be developed through their finite understanding of what is good. Thus, if something bad happens to them, it can only be, because G-d is unable to save them and take care of them.

Every day of ס×�×�×�ת there were also fourteen ×�×�ש×�×� (sheep) that were brought as a קר×�×�. They were symbolic of ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×�, who are called a ש×� פ×�×�ר×� (×�ר×�×�' × ' ×�"×�) – scattered sheep. ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� are compared to a sheep that was separated from its flock, and is then attacked by wild animals. So too, ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� were separated from their land, and sent into ×�×�×�ת, where they are attacked by the ×�×�×�×� (wild animals). There are a total of ninety-eight ×�×�ש×�×� brought as קר×�× ×�ת over ס×�×�×�ת. The symbolism is, that these קר×�× ×�ת, which represent ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×�, should eradicate from them the ninety-eight ק×�×�×�ת (curses) of the ת×�×�×�×� in פרשת ×�×� ×ª×�×�. The number of ×�×�ש×�×� doesn’t vary, as this indicates that ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� are eternal and will never be annihilated. ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� suffers through the trials and tribulations of ×�×�×�ת. They have endured the pain and horror of the terrible ק×�×�×�ת of the ת×�×�×�×�. The קר×�× ×�ת of the ×�×�ש×�×� help to protect them, that they should survive their ordeal and the ק×�×�×�ת should finally end. Although, they are compared to a ש×� ×¤×�×�ר×� – a lost sheep, they survive by focusing on the future, when they will be reunited with their shepherd once again.

×�ש×�×�ת×� ×�ת ×�שר×�×� ×�×� × ×�×�×� ×�רע×� ×�×�ר×�×� ×�×�×�ש×� ×�×�×�'  - ×�ר×�×�' × ' ×�"×�

And I will return ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� to their land, and they will “graze” in the fields and vineyards etc.

×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� endure terrible ×�×�×�סר×�×�, but they survive, knowing it’s all for benefit.

The ���� however, are unable to comprehend the intrinsic goodness in anything that is not to their liking. They live for the moment. If they are not happy with something right now, then it must be bad. As such, to have any relationship at all with �', they must be constantly showered with blessing. However, they are totally undeserving of it. The small painful reminders which might have caused them to change their evil ways, are totally lacking from their lives, and they thus, continue in their sinful ways, totally unrepentant. Any good deed that they might have done, they have already been rewarded for it.

ת���� צ"�-�פר� רשע�� ��� עש� ��צ�צ� �� פע�� ��� ��ש��� ע�� ע�

When the wicked bloom like grass and all the doers of iniquity blossom – it is to destroy them till eternity.

Thus, the two seemingly contradictory explanations for the קר×�× ×�ת of the פר×�×� on ס×�×�×�ת are reconciled. They would truly bring about bountiful blessings for the ×�×�×�×�ת ×�×¢×�×�×�. But, since they were undeservedly, being showered with ×�ר×�×�ת, while still continuing unrepentant in their evil ways, this abundance of the “good life” was their reward for any good deed they might have done, and therefore, in the long run, it brought about their ultimate destruction.

The פס×�ק (×�×�שע ×�"×� ×�') says, ×�נש×�×�×� פר×�×� שפת×�× ×�. We will replace the קר×�× ×�ת פר×�×�, which we are no longer able to bring, due to the ×�×�ר×�×� of the ×�×�ת ×�×�ק×�ש, with the utterance of our lips. When we “lain” the קר×�× ×�ת פר×�×�, and say them in תפ×�×�ת ×�×�סף, our words should take the place of the actual קר×�× ×�ת, and we should be ×�×�×�×� to see the same results occur. We should be ×�×�×�×� to the ×�×�×� when ×�' will be ×�ק×�×� ×�ת ×¡×�×�ת ×�×�×� ×�× ×�פ×�ת with the ×�×�×�ת ×�×�×�×� צ×�ק ×�×�×�ר×� ×�×�×�×�× ×� ×�×�×�×�"ר.

Giddy with Relief

Picture being accused of a crime which, if found guilty, would automatically carry a sentence of life imprisonment. Imagine the tremendous anxiety and stress the accused would be going through. He would not be able to have any enjoyment out of life, constantly worrying that it might be his last taste of freedom. Finally, the long awaited trial date arrives. To his consternation, he watches as the prosecution paints him as a conniving, plotting criminal, who gave in to temptation and committed the heinous vile crime. He listens in horror to the murmurs of the spectators, and cringes in embarrassment as they point at him in amazement, that he could do such an evil crime. He feels his face burning in shame. His team bravely tries to put up a defense, but it seems somewhat strained and weak. He finds it somewhat difficult to breathe, as the grey foreboding walls of prison seem to be closing in on him. Finally, his verdict is being announced. His stomach is churning in knots, as he waits to hear his fate. Through a thick haze, he seems to hear the judge announce that he is innocent of all charges. Dazed, he turns to his attorneys, who are all beaming at him. In a surprise twist, the judge continues, and accuses the prosecution of presenting a sloppy, shoddy, contrived case. He then orders the state to pay the accused one million dollars, as reimbursement for all the anxiety and distress that they caused him. Imagine the joy and ecstasy that is flowing through him. Not only is he a free man, but he also became suddenly blessed with wealth. My, how things have changed so drastically overnight. Yesterday, he was sunk in despair, while today he is dancing with joy.

There is a �צ�� to be �ש��� on ס���ת more so, than on other ���� �����, as the ת�ר� reiterates a number of times to be �ש�� on ס���ת.

(��ר �"� �') ��ק�ת� ��� ���� �ר�ש�� פר� עץ ��ר ���' �ש��ת� �פנ� �' �-�ק��� ש�עת ����.

(ר�� �"� �"�-�"�) �� �ס�ת תעש� �� ���' �ש��ת ���� ���' ����ת �� ש��.

This extra ש×�×�×� is due to the joy we feel after having received a ×�פר×� for our ×¢×�× ×�ת, on ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר. The ×�×�רש (תנ×�×�×�×� ×�×�ר ×�') explains, that the ×�' ×�×�× ×�×� are a ס×�×�×� that we emerged victorious over the powers of the ש×�×� and the ×�×�×�×�ת ×�×¢×�×�×�, who were ×�ק×�ר×� against us and tried to cause us harm, in our court case before the ×�×�×� ×�×�×�×� ×�×�×�×�×�×� on ר×�ש ×�שנ×� and ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר. The ×�×�רש (ש×�×�ר ×�×�×� ×�"×�) explains the words in ת×�×�×�×� – ×�×�×�×� ×�' ×�×�ר×� ×�×�שע×� – ×�' is my light and salvation – as referring to ר×�ש ×�שנ×� (×�×�ר×�) and ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר (×�שע×�). On ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר, ×�' brings about our ×�ש×�×¢×� from all kinds of ×�×�ר×�ת רע×�ת, ×�"×�, by being ×�×�×�×� our ×¢×�×�ר×�ת. In its stead, He bentches us with ×�×�×�×� ×�×�×�×�×� and all kinds of ×�ר×�×�ת. We are overjoyed and giddy with relief. We become filled with tremendous gratitude to ×�', and express these overflowing feelings of love and gratitude, through our ש×�×�×� on the ×�×�×� ×�×�×� of ס×�×�×�ת. Thus, ס×�×�×�ת is the expression of our ש×�×�×�, for the ×�ש×�×¢×� we had on ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר.

This is נר×�×� (hinted at) in the תפ×�×�×� we say that ×�ש×�×�× ×� ×�×�ש×�עת×�×� – and gladden us with Your salvation. We should be ×�×�×�×� to have ש×�×�×� on ס×�×�×�ת, over the  ×�ש×�×¢×�You bring about on ×�×�×� ×�פ×�ר.


It’s Not Chinese

“It’s Chinese to me.” This expression is used when trying to convey your total lack of comprehension of what someone is trying to say, or of something that is written. (I assume in China they say it somewhat differently. Perhaps, “It’s English to me.”) The power of language is the ability to express your personal, internal thoughts and wants, so that someone else will understand what it is that you wish to convey. Just like every individual is unique, so too, every nation has their own unique mannerisms, truisms and ways of acting, which differ from all other nations. The uniqueness of every nation, is most aptly expressed through their language. So that, even if you would translate the words of a foreign language into something that you are familiar with, you would still not be able to fully understand many different things, for the ideas which the words are trying to convey, still remain foreign to you. It is only your own language, which enables you to grasp all the subtle nuances of the various ideas that are expressed through the meanings of different words. Thus, knowing and using the same language enables the speakers to fully communicate and understand each other, while others would be left staring blankly.

×�ק×�"×� chose ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� from all the nations of the world to be His ×¢×� ×�× ×�×�ר (×�ת×� ×�×�רתנ×�). He loves us (×�×�×�ת ×�×�תנ×�) and wants us to draw close to Him (×�רצ×�ת ×�× ×�). Thus, to enable us to understand (×�×�×�×�×�×�) His thoughts and רצ×�× ×�ת, He gave to ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� the language which He uses (×�ש×�×� ×�ק×�×�ש), as it is the best vehicle through which to convey His רצ×�× ×�ת. This was the ×�ש×�×� which was used to create the world, as the world is the manifestation of the רצ×�× ×�ת of ×�ק×�"×�. So too, ת×�ר×�, which is the vehicle through which ×�' revealed His רצ×�×�, is written in ×�ש×�×� ×�ק×�×�ש. ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×�, who were separated from all of the nations to be recipients of the ת×�ר×� and to draw close to Him, were given the tool through which they would be able to understand Him – i.e. ×�ש×�×� ×�ק×�×�ש.

Thus, ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� are in the unique position of being the only ones in this world who can understand what it is that ×�' wants, as they share the same language (×�×�×�×�×�×�). Since this is the ×�ש×�×� through which ×�ק×�"×� chooses to express Himself (as it is ק×�×�ש, like His is ק×�×�ש), and considers it as though it is His own language (×�×�×�×�×�×�), so by speaking the same language (×�×�×�×�×�×�), ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� are thus able to speak back to ×�', to express their own thoughts and desires, through תפ×�×�×�. Of course, ×�' understands and knows every person’s words and thoughts, no matter what language they are spoken in. But, by using the same ×�ש×�×� which ×�' uses, ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×� are raised to the ×�×�ר×�×�×�, as though it would be like two people who are facing each other and are conversing (×�×�×�×�×�×�). פנ×�×� ×�פנ×�×� ×�×�ר ×�' ×¢×�×�×� ×�×�ר ×�×�×�' (×�×�ר×�×� ×�' ×�'). Face to face ×�' spoke to you on ×�ר ס×�× ×�. There is a closeness, whereby each party is able to express their innermost feelings, secure in the knowledge that the other one can truly understand what it is they wish to convey. This closeness is unique to ×�×�×� ×�שר×�×�, and is the ×�×�ר×�×�×� they reached when ×�' was ר×�×�×�תנ×� ×�×�×� "×�×�ש×�× ×�ת" (exalted us over all other languages).