Human Lives Matter! A Message from Rabbi Daniel Lerner

By Rabbi Daniel Lerner
Posted on 09/01/15

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 1, 2015:

Dear Friends,

As you are well aware, I have spent a great deal of time and energy encouraging your involvement to help stop the very dangerous Iran deal which will provide billions of dollars in sanctions relief for Iran and enables Iran to become a threshold nuclear weapons state.

Please join me tonight (Tuesday) from 7-8 pm at Beth Tfiloh Congregation in a community gathering to oppose the funding of international terrorism and to say "no" to a nuclear Iran.

WHY AM I URGING YOU TO ATTEND? Because this is the culmination of our local communal efforts. Since the Keynote Speaker is Howard Kohr, CEO of AIPAC, this event will be covered by the national press. Ben Cardin as well as most of our local Representatives are undecided at this point. This is our opportunity, as a community to voice our will to our elected officials before their votes are cast in a few weeks. They will be watching and taking note of our participation or apathy.

Last Friday, President Obama addressed Jewish Americans on a video and phone conference call sponsored by the Jewish Federations of North America. The president's arguments convinced me that this is indeed a very bad deal.

Those of us who have an awareness of world history have a responsibility to act for the welfare of humanity. It is not hyperbole to assert that a well-funded, nuclear-fortified Iran will put millions of human lives in peril. We, as human beings, as U.S. citizens, and as Jews must not remain on the sidelines.

As momentum builds among members of Congress to sustain a presidential veto, we have a very narrow window of opportunity to sway the members of Congress who are undecided and necessary to defeat this agreement. 

If we remain silent, who will speak for us? If we fail to act now, how long before it is too late?

In addition to your presence tomorrow evening, I URGE YOU TO CALL YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES EVERY DAY and respectfully encourage them to vote against this very bad deal.

I look forward to seeing you tonight at 7pm.

Best Wishes,

Rabbi Daniel Lerner