Kesiva VaChasima Tova / A Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 5779 to All from BJL

By BJLife Staff
Posted on 09/09/18

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 9, 2018 - As we enter 5779, and thanks to you our loyal readers & advertisers our 8th year, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the Baltimore community and beyond for making our community's go-to spot for news and information from around the world with a special focus on Baltimore. 

We are proud to serve this wonderful community and to help share information about what is going on, both happy and sad, so that we can all help each other.

Bli Ayin Hara, our readership continues to grow and along with that grow the accolades.

Be on the lookout for the impending launch of our new APP which we are confident will delight each and every reader. From vendor-generated coupons, an amazing ride-sharing program and weekly raffles, this will be a must-have for everyone.

We are grateful to you for your continued support and extend a Kesiva VaChasima Tova to one and all.