The Epstein/Feuer Chasuna took place in Lakewood today, Erev Shabbos!

The Kallah, Riki Epstein, always wanted a Friday Chasuna, but her family finally convinced her to do it like everyone else.

Until this happened.

About a week after booking the wedding for this coming Sunday, she received a call that the hall had mistakenly double booked – and Sunday was not available.

But Friday was, and though it’s not the typical day for most to make a Chasunah, the Kallah got her wish after all – and the Chasunah was held today!

The Chasuna Seuda will coincide with Shabbos Sheva Brachos tonight, and will be held in a hotel.

This is the first Chasuna in recent history to be held on Friday in Lakewood.

Wishing a big Mazel Tov to the new couple, Tzviki and Riki Feuer!