A change may be coming to a Baltimore County Schools closing policy that has already lead to two days of closures this school year. 

According to the Baltimore Sun, the Baltimore County School board is expected on Tuesday to revise the policy that requires the county to shut down the non-air-conditioned schools if the heat index is forecast to reach 90 degrees at any time during the school day.

School board member Marisol Johnson told the Sun that she will propose closing schools only when the heat index is forecast to reach 90 degrees by 11 a.m.

Other options include bringing in generators to cool the schools that don't yet have air conditioning, or raising the heat index limit to 95 or some other figure.

According to the Baltimore Sun, parents say the new policy has been too rigid and want the school board to change it so that students don't fall behind. Even some who agitated for the policy for years now say they want it changed.