Baltimore, MD - Aug. 26, 2015 - With the onset of the Jewish High Holidays, the Baltimore Jewish Council, in conjunction with the Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, encourages Jewish organizations and institutions to review their security posture and revisit their security and emergency management plans. Organizations should review and implement appropriate security measures, particularly during this time of continued unrest both nationally and internationally.

Yomim Noraim Security Planning Checklist

This checklist is designed to provide security directors and administrators tasked with security responsibilities for the High Holy Days with a chronological checklist of tasks, recommendations, and action items to consider while planning for the High Holy Days.

Security Committee

� Appoint a security leader to oversee and coordinate security planning

� Assemble security committee- coordinate strategic planning with HHD planning committee

� Recruit ushers and greeters

� Conduct suspicious behavior/persons orientation/awareness training

� Establish communications coordination-equipment, contact trees

Security Plan

� Review and revise High Holy Day Security Plan

� Establish/Review Visitors & Guests Authentication Procedures-review registrants; focus on procedures for interacting with strangers/unfamiliar persons

� Review Access Control- Identify all facility ingress and egress including driveways, curbside areas, parking

� Establish Layered Perimeter Security- Devise parking strategies to set up a physical barrier from roadways

� Plan & Practice Scenario Based Responses- suspicious behavior, threatening situation, evacuations/lockdowns

Law Enforcement

� Initiate contact with local law enforcement

� Engage law enforcement in your security planning process

� Notify law enforcement of HHD Schedule of Events; revisit with them a few days in advance

� Request increased LE visibility-take into account walking routes as well

ô��� Consider hiring off-duty police as part of your security program 

Security Action Items

ô��� Conduct Security Survey of your facility and neighboring area 

� Conduct Threat Assessment-discuss with local law enforcement; monitor SCN/ADL notices

� Review and discuss survey & assessment findings with security committee

� Make appropriate changes/maintenance/enhancements

� Establish layered Perimeter Security Procedures

� Control Parking Areas

� Implement Access Control Measures (limit points of entry)

� Follow Authentication Procedures for greeting guests & visitors

� Review Emergency Response Procedures: Lockdowns & Evacuations

� Convene Security Committee, volunteers, and security personnel for final briefing